Public TMB Virtual Meeting User Guide
Attendees Outside the Organization
Recommended Equipment
Desktop or Laptop computer
Mobile Device
Attendee Options for Joining a Teams Meeting
Overview of Options
Option 1: Join with the Teams App (recommended)
Option 2: Join with the Browser App
Option 3: Join with the Mobile App
Option 4: Call in
Join a Teams Meeting on a Second Device
Transfer a meeting from one device to another
Add a Second Device to a Meeting
Know Your Meeting Controls
Main Meeting Controls
More Options
Choose a Video Layout
Focus Mode
Full-screen Mode
Adjust Who You See and Hear
Attendees Should Check Camera and Mic
Your Camera
Change Your Background
Your Audio
Teams Meetings Etiquette
Appendix 1: Teams - More Than Just Meetings
Appendix 2: The Teams Meeting Experience
Appendix 3: Joining a Teams Meeting
The configuration laid out below will provide the best possible performance under most usage cases.
- High speed internet connection (1 MB upstream and 10 MB downstream). Test at
- Web camera (integrated or separate)
- Headset with microphone. (Using the computer speakers and microphone can cause audio feedback issues.)
- Wireless network (Wi-Fi) connection or at least a 2 GB data plan
- Stand to hold mobiles device (reduces shaky video)
- Headset with microphone. (Using the integrated speakers and microphone can cause audio feedback issues.)
For additional information about hardware requirements for Microsoft Teams, see
Attendees use the Teams meeting invitation to join the meeting. The Teams product they choose will depend on the type of machine or device they are using.
There are three options for joining a Teams meeting. For detailed instructions, see the sections Options sections below this Overview.
Teams app (recommended):
If attendees already have the Teams app loaded on their machines, clicking the Teams meeting invitation link will automatically launch the Teams app.
Attendees who do not already have the Teams app will be prompted to download the app. This takes only a minute or two.
Teams browser app:
If using the Teams browser app, the attendee will not need to download anything. Teams will launch in their browser. NOTE: Some Teams meeting features, such as screen sharing, are not available in the browser app.
Teams mobile app:
Attendees planning to join the meeting using their mobile device or tablet must allow time prior to the meeting to download the Teams mobile app. NOTE: Some Teams meeting features are not available in the mobile app.
Call in:
If you're unable to use the Teams app or Teams on the web, you can join some meetings by calling a phone number. If there's a phone number and conference ID in the meeting invite, just dial the number to join. The number in your invitation may not be local to you. Select Find a local number to get one that is.
Visit for more information about downloading Teams on your Windows, Mac, iOS and Android desktop and devices.
Attendees are encouraged to use the Teams app to join meetings. If they do not already have the Teams app downloaded, they will be prompted to do so when they click the meeting invitation link.
- Click the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting link of the meeting invitation.

- Download and launch the Teams app.

If you already have the Teams app loaded on your machine, it should launch automatically.
If it fails to launch, click the Go to the Teams app panel (left).
Visit for more information about downloading Teams on your Windows, Mac, iOS and Android desktop and devices.
- Check your camera and mic and click Join now.

You can join a Teams meeting with your browser by using the Teams browser app.
NOTE: The later versions of Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Chrome are recommended for the Teams web app.
- Click the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting link of the meeting invitation.

- When this window appears, select Continue on this browser.

If the app asks permission to use your mic and camera, agree so that you will be seen and heard in your meeting.
- Enter your name. Check your camera and mic. Then click Join now.

- Wait in the lobby. Teams will notify the meeting organizer that you're there, and someone in the meeting can then admit you.

You can join a Teams meeting using your mobile device. The screen shots below follow the Teams mobile app download process for an android device. Tablet and iPhone experiences will be similar.
Allow Yourself Time
Is this the first time you’ve used your mobile device to join a Teams meeting? You’ll need to download the Teams Mobile App. Give yourself plenty of time to work through technical difficulties issues. You don’t want to be late for your meeting!
- Open the Teams meeting invitation email on your mobile device. Click the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting link.
Teams meeting links for Board Meetings can be found on the agenda that is posted on the TMB website.

- Follow the prompts to install the Teams Mobile App.


- Now that the app is installed, you should be ushered to the lobby. Select Join as a guest.
If you are not taken directly to the meeting, (1) check that the app was installed successfully and (2) click the Teams meeting link again.
Enter your name and click Join as a guest. Grant access to your device’s audio and video as necessary.

Applicants and appellants scheduled to appear before the Board do not type their names. They must type their applicant number – OR – case number.
- Wait in the lobby until someone “lets you in” to the meeting.

You can join some meetings by calling a phone number. (If this option is available, the phone number and Conference ID will be included in the invitation).

If you've joined a meeting on one device, you have the option to join it on another one at the same time. This can come in handy if, for example, you're in a meeting on your laptop but there's some content on your phone you'd like to share. You can either transfer the meeting to the second device, or keep both devices in the meeting.
While you're in a meeting on one device, open Teams on the second one (the device you want to transfer the meeting to). You'll see a message near the top of the second device's screen informing you that you're currently in a meeting on another device, asking if you want to join it on this one, too.
- Select Join

- Select Transfer to this device

- Set your audio and video preferences for the meeting on the new device. Then, choose Join. Once you're in the meeting on the new device, your first device will leave the meeting.
While you're in a meeting on one device, open Teams on the second one. You'll see a message near the top of your screen informing you that you're currently in a meeting on another device, and asking if you want to join it on this one, too.
- Select Join

- Select Add this device.

Teams will automatically mute the mic on your second device before it enters the meeting to prevent an echo effect. Once it's joined, you'll be able to turn the mic and camera on or off as needed. With both devices in the meeting, you can now share content from either one.
When you join the Teams meeting, meeting controls appear at the top of your screen.

Note: If the meeting controls appear at the bottom of your screen, you may need to follow instructions for turning on the new meeting experience. See “Appendix 6: Turning on the New Meeting Experience”.
Clicking the ellipses in the main meeting controls bar will bring up more options:

There are different video layouts for your meeting.
- On the meeting controls, select More options (...) and choose one:
Gallery: This is the default view that shows a 3x3 video layout. If there are more than nine people, Teams prioritizes anyone with their video turned on, or those speaking the most.
Large gallery: This is a 7x7 video layout that lets you see up to 49 other people at once. Ten people must have their camera turned on. See example below.
If no one is sharing video, Large gallery cannot be selected from the menu.
Together mode: This layout lets you feel like you're in the same shared space with everyone in the meeting. Select Change scene to change the background for everyone. Together mode is available if there's at least five people in a meeting. See example below.
If you don’t see options for Large gallery or Together mode in the More options menu, you may need to follow instructions for turning on the new meeting experience. See “Appendix 6: Turning on the New Meeting Experience”.
Large gallery

Together mode

Focus mode is available when content is being shared. Choose this view when you'd like to pay close attention to the content without the distraction of seeing people's video feeds. If content is being shared but you don’t see this option in the More options menu, you may need to follow instructions for turning on the new meeting experience. See “Appendix 6: Turning on the New Meeting Experience”.
Microsoft Teams now allows users to full-screen mode in the new meetings experience. In the full-screen mode, the meeting window will use your whole screen and hide Teams’ title bar and Windows 10’s taskbar.
If you’re using the latest desktop client, you should see the “Full-screen” option in the More options menu (…). If you don’t see this option in the More options menu, you may need to follow instructions for turning on the new meeting experience. See “Appendix 6: Turning on the New Meeting Experience”.
Hover your cursor over a participant and click the ellipses (…) to adjust what you hear and see.

Mute participant.

To focus on a particular video (i.e., participant), right click and select Pin. The video will be pinned to your view regardless of who's talking. You can pin as many videos as will fit on your screen. If you change your mind, right click again and hit Unpin.

Fit to frame. Teams crops some videos to make them fit your screen better. If you want a different view of a particular video—for example, if someone’s cropped out of the video or it only shows part of their face—right click and select Fit to frame to see the entire video. Select Fill frame to see a closer, cropped view.
Spotlighting a video is like pinning it for everyone in the meeting. If you're an organizer or a presenter, you can choose anyone's video (including your own) to be the main video people see.
At the time of publication, only one video can be spotlighted at a time. Your view must be set to Large gallery or Together mode (see Choose a Video Layout for more information). If a video is spotlighted during a recorded meeting, that video will not be spotlighted in the recording itself.
NEVER USE SPOTLIGHT during board meetings or hearings
Never use the Spotlight feature during a Board Meeting, Committee Meeting or Hearing. An individual appearing before the Board must be able to view the videos of board members addressing them.
Spotlight someone else
Method 1: Right-click on the person’s video and select Spotlight from the menu.
Method 2: Select Show participants to view a list of everyone in the meeting. Right-click the name of the participant whose video you want to spotlight and select Spotlight.
When you’re ready to end the spotlight, right-click again and choose Stop spotlighting.
Spotlight yourself
To spotlight yourself, first select Show participants. Under Participants, right-click on your name and select Spotlight me.
Right-click again and choose Stop spotlighting to exit.
Attendees should join the meeting early to test their equipment and adjust settings.
- To return to the lobby, open the Teams meeting invitation and select Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.

- You will be ushered into the lobby.

When you arrive in the lobby, your camera is turned on automatically and your background is visible. If the camera selection is correct but your camera is not operating as expected, you will have to check your system settings and permissions to allow Teams to access your camera (different from Teams settings).
- In the Teams lobby, hover over the Settings icon and then select PC Mic and Speakers.

- Confirm that the correct camera is in use.

If you want to change what appears behind you in your video, you can either blur your background or replace it entirely with any image you want.
- In the Teams lobby, select Background filters.

- Select Blur to blur your background. You'll appear clear while everything behind you is concealed (blurred). You can also replace your background with one of the images provided, or with one of your own choosing. To use an image of your own, select Add new and then select one to upload from your computer. Make sure it's a .JPG, .PNG, or .BMP file.
Your new background will persist in all your meetings and calls until you change it again.
You can test your mic and speakers from the lobby.
NOTE: You may not have all options listed in this section.
- In the Teams lobby, hover over the Settings icon and then select PC Mic and Speakers.

- From the Device settings pop up menu, select Make a test call.

- Follow the voice instructions: speak into your microphone and wait for the playback.
The test call results will appear when you’ve completed your audio test call. If your test results are clear (green check mark), you can close the window.

- If any of the tests failed, select Go to device settings to make necessary adjustments.

- Use background blur to minimize distractions.
- Stay on mute when you’re not talking.
- Pay attention to any Teams prompts at the top of your screen.
- (Organizers) mute everyone on the call if background noise is an issue.
- When sharing web pages, zoom in. What you’re showing appears smaller to other attendees.
- Remember to always look at the camera while you’re talking.
- Minimize all other applications to avoid distraction.
- Enable “Focus assist” or “Quiet hours” to avoid distracting notifications.
- Set phone and wearable to “do not disturb”